Let’s help Malaysians get their money right!

High Priority Listing!

Performance Marketing Specialist

Full Time
9 months ago

Let’s help
Malaysians get
their money right!

High Priority Listing!

Performance Marketing Specialist

Full Time
9 months ago

Job Listings

Performance Marketing Specialist

Full Time
9 months ago

Back End Developer

Full Time
1 year ago

Marketing Intern

Full Time
1 year ago

Developer Intern

Full Time
1 year ago

Business Analyst Intern

Full Time
1 year ago

At Versa our values are MAGIC. Our values centre on serving our members, building our company, and most importantly, working together.

Prioritise Members Interest

Chase after problems and get to the truth of an issue; learn and innovate.

Take Accountability

Take the initiative and own up to your tasks and get recognised.

Pursue Growth

Make your footprint bigger than your foot; use Versa as a platform to set ambitious and accountable goals

Encourage Inclusivity

Everyone should feel welcomed to voice their thoughts, be included and able to contribute comfortably

Work Collaboratively

Do the right thing. If you aren’t sure, ask your teammates for opinion and support.